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What are RestedTail.com Readers Saying About Us?

Pup with tongue sticking out to side

Great recommendations for dog beds!

Gord, Ottawa, ON

My buddy Snauze had been crate trained, but when we stopped, he didn’t know bedtime boundaries. This blog helped me work with Snauze, and over two weeks he was sleeping in his bed and is now following his new routines.

dog bed reviews 2

Sampson stopped barking when we tried brain training!

Carl, Pheonix, AZ

I don’t usually trust online courses, but I just have had enough and went with restedtail’s recommendation of their brain training course. Sampson and I needed to figure out our dynamic, and we did real quick a few days in with helpful instructions!

golden retriever sleeping in dog bed

Mary F, Kemptville, ON

Hudson used to have night terrors and accidents through the night. We searched google and found rested tail’s article on sleep training for our pup, and it really worked. It’s the perfect height for him to rest his loving head on.

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dog sleeping on the floor

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