15 Tips For A Restful Dog Bedtime Routine

how to get my dog to sleep at night with a routine
restful dog bedtime routine

Dogs suffer from sleepless nights too! We’ve all been there. You are ready to get into bed, and your dog is begging for just one more round of playtime, or maybe they want you to cuddle up with them on the couch before it’s lights out. This can be a real struggle, but these 15 tips will help you create an effective dog bedtime routine that will have your pup sleeping soundly in no time.

Dogs are notorious for jumping around, whacking each other with toys, and generally being disruptive when it’s time for bed. After all, they’re just like little kids!

First, it’s essential to establish a routine. Try giving your dog lots of exercise during the day and make sure he eats before bedtime- this will help him wind down for sleep at night. You can also teach your pup that nighttime is a cozy time by starting a bedtime ritual like reading or singing together before turning off the lights. We’ll talk about more tips later in this post!

What time should I put my dog to bed?

“The best time to put your dog down for a snooze is between the hours of seven and eight p.m.” This gives them enough time before bedtime to be tired from playing, eating supper, taking their evening walk, and catching up on water consumption. You can try doing all this around six o’clock or so if you want them sleepy earlier in the night!

Some signs that your pup should go to sleep are yawning, laying down with his head on his paws without moving, and looking at you as he walks by.

Tip: The more cues about when they’re ready for bed- like turning off lights or shutting curtains- will help remind him it’s nighttime soon.

Read here about why you should have your dog on a strict bedtime routine!

Should I give my dog a treat before bed?

should i give my dog treats before bed

Giving your dog a treat before bed may be a good bedtime routine!

However, be careful about feeding them too many or too big of one, or they could have trouble sleeping!

Some dogs like getting their favorite type of toy before sleep- and some even enjoy playing with the empty box. Don’t forget that pets need time away from people for rest, too!

How can I get my dog to sleep all night?

Try a dog bedtime routine. More details on that later on in the post.

Have an area set aside exclusively for sleeping. Do not let your pet sleep on the couch or in another part of the house.

The main thing is to create and stick to a routine; it will help him learn when he is ready for bed.

Do dogs know when humans are sleeping?

Yes, they can tell when we are tired and do not want to play. Dogs know that it’s time for them to get some rest too!

Some dogs will lay on the floor near their humans in bed or even sleep next to people.

Dogs have a natural propensity for protection that drives them to warn pet parents if something is wrong.

If your dog is sleeping with you in bed, make sure he or she isn’t taking up too much space.

dog bedtime routine2

“Live a happy healthy life with your pet at every step of the journey…”

Dr Kristen Levine

Do dogs know when their bedtime?

Helping our furry companions sleep at night can be a challenge.

Dogs rely on circadian rhythms, and if they are “on the clock,” they will struggle to sleep soundly throughout the day and, consequently, during the night.

One way we know this is true is that when you go for a walk with your dog in one direction, it will start to pull toward home rather than sniff around as it did just moments before.

A quick dog bed routine each evening could make bedtime easier for both pet and parent!

What can I use to make my dog sleepy?

There are a few ways to help your dog sleep better. One is by using natural remedies, like calming pheromones or melatonin supplements for dogs.

Another way is by providing them with an evening routine of exercise and activity followed by relaxing activities before bedtime such as gentle massage, a bath, or even reading aloud in the quiet of their bedroom (keep it short).

The biggest thing we can do to assist our pets at night is to make sure they have adequate space to lie down comfortably!

To ensure that dogs get enough quality shut-eye every day – without taking up too much room in your bed – consider getting two beds so you’ll both be comfortable: one for you and one for him.

Check out this research article on making your dog sleepy with natural sedatives.

Is crating a dog at night cruel?

is sleep training in a crate cruel

A crate can be useful for training because it draws on your dog’s natural instinct to be in a den. For that reason, if you crate train your dog properly, the crate will be a comfortable place he likes spending time and where he feels safe and secure. It is not cruel to crate your dog at night.

A crate works best for dogs if placed in the exact location and the size fits your pup’s needs.

This doesn’t mean it will always work out perfectly – some dogs refuse to sleep anywhere other than on the bed, but if you follow this advice for helping dogs sleep better at night, then hopefully, you’ll have some success stories too!

Related read: How to crate train an older dog with separation anxiety

Do I ignore my dog crying at night?

No! It’s crucial that you acknowledge and calm your dog when they are crying because if they feel ignored, it can lead to anxiety.

Since dogs are pack animals, there may be a reason why they’re lonely or afraid – either way; the more attention you give them at night, the more you will help them sleep better.

If you find out what their needs are at night, such as being in another room with an owner or sleeping on top of pillows, then fulfilling these needs should work wonders for helping dogs sleep better at night too!

Do dogs need darkness to sleep?

No, not really. Dogs sleep 16 hours a day, so there’s no need to darken their living space.

However, if you have a dog that likes darker spaces, it might be worth trying to sleep with the curtains closed or using blackout blinds in your bedroom, as long as they’re safe and don’t present any choking hazards for dogs!

They won’t get light stimulation at night, which can help them sleep better too.

Some breeds, such as German Shepherds, are more sensitive to daylight – but all breeds should be okay without extra lighting even during the daytime because of how much time they spend asleep each day.

Check out more researched in-depth information about dogs needing darkness here!

What scents are calming to dogs?

bed time calming scents for dogs

We know that lavender is a calming scent for humans, and it turns out it’s also suitable for dogs.

The sweet smell of lavender helps calm anxious or stressed-out pups by increasing serotonin levels in the brain, promoting relaxation. You can use this herb as an air freshener, added to laundry detergent (don’t use too much!), mixed with water for spritzing your pup after walks, etc.

Some other scents are peppermint oil, vanilla extract, chamomile tea leaves, and tinctures. You can add these things to items around the house like toys or food bowls, so they’re constantly exposed to them when they sleep during waking hours! Read more about that here!

What can I give my senior dog to sleep through the night?

Some senior pups may need a little extra help to sleep through the night, and get used to a dog bedtime routine.

This could be due to pain from arthritis or just getting older and more tired.

If your dog is experiencing these symptoms, it might be time for some medications like Gabapentin (Neurontin) or Melatonin. Speak with your vet about what’s best for your pup!

If you’re not sure if medication will work, try adding a calming blanket into their routine — this can include scents like lavender that are known to promote relaxation.

A weighted bed with an extra layer of padding on top can also provide relief from aches by giving gentle pressure against the joints as they move throughout the night, which helps them stay asleep longer.

Read more here about helping your senior dog to sleep!

15 tips for helping dogs sleep better at night

  1. Start with a long walk on a leash – Dogs need regular exercise to be ready for their daytime naps. Don’t forget to take them out regularly late in the evening as well, according to veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker.” They often have pent up energy from all those hours cooped up inside,” she says.
  2. Play a game of fetch – “A long walk is not enough for some dogs,” Becker says. Include plenty of exercises, like playing fetch or tug-of-war games to tire your pup out and get him ready for sleep.”
  3. Limit the time you spend watching TV with your dog before bedtime – Dogs need their own space just as much as we do to wind down at night. Plus, it’s essential to set boundaries while still being fun! You can always make sure they’re comfortable during the day by giving them a place where they can rest indoors after coming inside.
  4. Give your dog calming treats – “Dogs may not respond to medication for anxiety and insomnia like humans do,” Becker says. “But there are natural, non-medicated options that work well.” She recommends trying a combination of herbs and supplements, including Valerian root extract, magnesium citrate, chamomile tea, or lavender oil, to give them relief without the side effects.
  5. Keep their bedding clean – It’s crucial to maintain good hygiene by keeping sheets dry during sleep time, so they don’t get cold at night! If you feel like this is an issue but want to keep using the same sheet set as daytime protection, you can buy a set of sheets for nighttime use.
  6. Give your dog time to get into their bed – You should be patient with them and give them some space when they get inside, so they do not have any anxiety about entering or exiting the doggy bedding.
  7. Ensure the dog bed is comfortable – Dogs often sleep so much better when they have a place to rest their heads and get some support for their bodies. Give them a pillow or cushion to sleep with – Dogs often like having something they can bury their faces in so that it feels more comfortable and cozy.
  8. Keep the room dark but not too dark – You want your pup to be able to see if anything is going on outside of their bed without being overwhelmed by bright lights at night.
  9. Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise – This tip may seem like a no-brainer, but many people forget that sometimes they are so busy with life or the day’s activities that their dogs don’t get the playtime and exercise they need. The most important thing to remember when it comes to a dog bed routine is consistency. You want your pup to follow these practices every time. The more consistent you are about this routine, the easier it will become for both of you before long!
  10. If your pup has trouble sleeping because of noise or temperature, we recommend investing in a good-quality box fan. It will help cool down the room and block out unwanted sounds from young children playing outside, dogs barking next door, and cars driving by late into the night.
  11. The TV can function as calming white noise for those dogs who have trouble sleeping or are easily startled by noises.
  12. Keep all of his toys out where he can see them but not near him when he sleeps – This tip may take some training before your dog understands what you are asking for, which means limiting access to the toy box during bedtime.
  13. Consider using a crate to help house train and provide comfort. The most important part of this tip is that you should never use the dog crate as punishment. If they are in their crates when they sleep, the chances are that they’ll be more relaxed about going into them on their own accord.
  14. There’s some evidence that sound therapy can help our canine friends relax as well; playing low-volume recordings of a “white noise” sounds like the ocean or thunderstorms can help our dogs sleep better at night.
  15. One thing to remember is that it may take some time before your dog will be able to relax his body and settle into sleeping soundly fully. You have to stick with this dog bed routine for quite some time! As soon as he starts catching on, you’ll both be enjoying a whole lot more peaceful nights’ sleep.

Restful Dog Bedtime Routine Conclusion

dog bed time routine tips

A lack of sleep can lead to behavioral issues and other health problems in pets. We hope this article will be helpful if you’re looking for a way to improve your dog’s quality of life!  

Our blog post provided tips for how to help dogs sleep better at night. The key is to stick with a dog bedtime routine and other essential steps for even some time. Once your dog has acclimated, you’ll both have more peaceful nights.





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