Dogs Need Comfy Beds: Are Sofa Beds Good For Dogs?

Dog sofa bed

One of the biggest struggles in dog ownership is ensuring your dog has a comfy and safe place to sleep. It’s essential that what you choose for your pet is comfortable and durable, providing them with plenty of snuggle time without being overly firm or uncomfortable!

Sofas are perhaps one of the most popular options for doggy beds because they provide that middle ground between hard flooring and soft bedding. However, some things about sofas make them less than convenient choices in this department.

So are sofa beds good for dogs?

We wanted to write a guide on whether or not sofa beds are suitable for dogs, considering all aspects of comfort and functionality!

Is it ok for a dog to sleep on the couch?

As mentioned before, it’s important to note that sofas aren’t the only bedding source for dogs.

There are countless other options you have in this regard. However, we know there will be many pet owners out there who want or need a sofa for their pup!

Are they safe, comfortable, and durable? All these questions and more. Let’s unpack them one by one.

Are sofa beds good for dogs?

In short – yes! As long as your dog is not overly large (hint: Great Danes and St Bernards might feel slightly uncomfortable on the couch), then you should be able to get away with using any old sofa for your pet.

If you have a smaller dog (under 20 pounds), then, generally speaking, they should be fine on almost any sofa.

Of course, this will come down to personal preference – some pet owners prefer their dogs to sleep on the ground or another chair! The key thing here is that there are many factors you need to consider.

Black dog on a sofa bed

Dog Sofa Problems: Are They Safe?

This primarily comes down to size and weight, as mentioned before – but it’s also essential to think about comfort for your pup too!

We recommend getting a dog bed for small dogs who feel comfortable with this type of setup; bigger dogs might not like being raised off the floor and may find it uncomfortable.

Another vital factor here is how well you look after your dog.

Dogs are a lot like humans; they need to have their beds washed regularly (at least once a month) and will want something that allows them to dig or fluff up the fabric for proper support!

If you’re looking at sofa beds for dogs who like to snack on the couch, it is also essential to consider how permanent your bedding is.

If you don’t want a dog chewing away at its covers, then this may not be an ideal choice.

Are sofa beds good for dogs? In short, yes. But there are considerations with these decisions – more so than the average non-sofa bed!

You should ensure that your pet is comfortable enough with the idea of sleeping on a sofa. If you’re worried about your dog eating or scratching at the covers, this is not the right choice!

Are they comfortable?

When it comes to dog beds, there are often two primary camps: those who sleep on hard floors and those who prefer soft bedding.

Many pet owners go for what’s in the middle – but what do dogs want? In short, it largely depends on how old your dog is and whether they have any joint issues!

If your pup has constant pain or an issue with their hips, knees, or back then opting for a sofa bed will be necessary.

This way, you can allow them to get up and walk around while still keeping them comfortable.

However, if they’re a little younger and in good shape, sleeping on the floor may be an option!

As we mentioned before, sofa beds can have their advantages.

They allow your dog to move around (depending on how soft or firm they are!), particularly useful for older canines that don’t want to be immobile all night long.

Additionally, sofa beds aren’t permanent options – so you can easily wash them if need be, and they won’t take up too much space in the house.

Are sofa beds durable?

Even if your sofa has survived the test of time with no damage to it, you might still have concerns about whether it’s comfortable for your dog.

Sofas are relatively lightweight in comparison to most other furniture options out there.

This makes them much easier to move around and reposition and rotate into a bed position (if so desired). As long as the sofa has a soft material, your pet will feel right at home on it.

As long as your dog is not overly large, there’s very little to be worried about regarding the comfort of your doggy bed.

They will be comfortable and cozy on these types of furniture and be well-protected from any potential dangers that might exist underneath!

Why shouldn’t you let your dog on the couch?

Dog beds are the most apparent furniture for dogs to sleep on, and with good reason.

They can provide a comfortable resting place for your dog while also keeping them off of couches and other furniture that you probably prefer to stay clean.

When you let your dog onto surfaces typically occupied by humans, it makes them feel like they are the pack’s alpha member.

Depending on the dog, they may be unwilling to get off the sofa. You may run into this problem when attempting to move your pet off of the couch.

Dogs treated as equals in a family tend to be less compliant with commands and rules. The frequency of behavioral problems is greater among sofa dogs than in non-sofa dogs.

Related Read: 7 Best Dog Beds For Dachshund

What are the benefits of dog sofa beds?

  1. Dogs need a comfortable place to rest just like people do
  2. Sofa beds are perfect for dogs because they provide support and comfort
  3. They are also great for training puppies and helping them overcome anxiety
  4. Dog sofa beds come in many different shapes and sizes to fit any home décor
  5. Buying a dog sofa bed is a great way to show your pet how much you love them
  6. They are also affordable and easy to clean

Rules of the game?

It is not too late if you’ve been encouraging your dog to sleep on the couch and want to stop.

Establish a rapport with your dog by learning commands like sit, stay, and down. Then, slowly start redirecting your dog to a different spot – like a bed.

Keep training consistent, and you’ll be rewarded with a happy, obedient dog.

We highly recommend Brain Training For Dogs, an online training program for dog owners to help their dogs learn new skills for the best dog obedience training.

This course teaches you how to eliminate aggressive behavior and makes your pet more responsive to your commands with the right exercises.

What type of couch is best for dogs?

When it comes to dogs, the best types of sofas are typically, well, not sofas at all!

Traditional sofas can be rather uncomfortable and narrow for pets to sleep in.

The best type of sofa bed is designed especially for dogs! These beds are typically made with cushions that fill out the interior. They are comfortable yet firm enough for a pet to sleep comfortably on without feeling like it might fall through onto the floor.

By choosing one of these options, you’ll also avoid that sinking feeling when sitting down in your favorite chair only to find the cushion has deflated or spring has popped out!

One of the best couch coverings for pet owners is leather, which will last longer and naturally improve with use.

Leather is easy to care for, comes in various colors at different prices, and provides the best balance between comfort and durability.

The dirt, water, and pet hair clean off easily, and a unique leather coating resists clinging. You can clean many leather couches with sponges, water, and mild soap.

Why does my dog lick the couch all the time?

Your dog may love to chew on your couch and other furniture pieces. This is a typical behavior that many dog owners hate and tend to punish.

Are you aware of the reasons behind such chewing? Are you putting yourself at risk by punishing your pet when he licks or chews up the sofa?

Dogs use their sense of taste to explore things around them. As you can imagine, whatever your dog comes into contact with will be brought closer to its mouth for further assessment. Therefore these curious animals are just doing what they’re supposed to do by licking unfamiliar items that come within reach of their tongue.

When dogs lick wooden, plastic, or leather surfaces, it’s most likely because they want to get rid of any taste.

Your pet’s saliva is said to have an antibacterial property that can eliminate parasites and microorganisms typically found in dead skin, urine, or feces, therefore removing the bad smell.

Like other animals, dogs don’t like foul smells, so licking surfaces he comes into contact with will help eliminate such odor by taking it in their mouth and spitting it out after a few licks.

“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face”

Bern Williams
about img

Another reason why dogs lick furniture may be because they’re hungry!

Just like any other animal, dogs need food to survive. When they get the chance, they’ll latch onto whatever edible item that comes in their reach regardless of what it is!

Tips to stop your dog from licking

  • Ignore it: Do not make eye contact with your dog.
  • Take a walk: Performing a long walk with your dog will reduce their stress, potentially reducing the frequency of unwanted licking.
  • Offer an alternative: A chew toy, bone, or stuffed kong is a good option.
  • Reward: When you see that the dog is behaving appropriately, give them attention and a little treat.

Try leaving some dog treats for them to nibble on, or keep an eye out for kibble just sitting outside your home once in a while.

If you don’t want your pet eating up the sofa but still need him to do something with his time, consider purchasing a rubber toy or rawhide bone and leave it within his reach.

However, if he’s still looking for more, try putting one of those puzzles together where canines have to move different shapes around until all of them are inside the right spots.

This way, both you and your pup will benefit from this activity instead of facing the unpleasant sight of chewed-up furniture.

Your dog may be bored or needs a good playmate. Although it isn’t always easy to find time for your pet, try coming up with activities that will keep him occupied all day long.

Why do dogs dig on beds and couches?

It’s not just because they want to annoy you. Dogs engage in this activity because it feels good on their body.

Digging allows them to stretch their legs and bodies without compromising a bed that might be too firm or soft, but mostly, digging is how dogs loosen the tension in their muscles and bones after spending long hours lying down all day.

It makes sense when you think about how dogs sleep – do you ever see them stretched out with their entire body on the floor? Of course not!

They always have one of their paws off the ground, making slight adjustments every 10-20 minutes as they go through each sleeping cycle and waking up.

This likely helps reduce pressure points on joints and muscles, which causes problems for dogs when they sleep for long periods.

Also, it’s essential to keep in mind that dogs sleep differently than humans – because they can’t adjust their position on their own, digging allows them to do so.

What is a dog’s natural sleeping environment?

Dogs are naturally nocturnal creatures, which means they spend more time restlessly waking up and dozing off during the night than any other part of the day.

All dogs engage in perfectly normal behavior as part of their daily rhythm.

However, while your dog was living outside (and perhaps now inside), it had a favorite place to sleep during those chilly nights: In a warm, enclosed space.

There are a lot of theories as to why dogs prefer enclosed spaces to sleep in… two of the most common reasons relate to protecting themselves against predators and temperature control.

As you may know, many dog breeds were initially bred for guarding and protection purposes. Still, they also served other functions that required them (or at least their ancestors) to be faithful companions that would stick with humans even when facing cold nights on their own.

The solution? An enclosed sleeping space with human companionship!

Digging and hiding under blankets are both things that allow your dog some minor level of control over his environment, so they’re good behaviors that still have a place in your home.

What can I put on my couch to keep my dog off?

Sofas can be an excellent place for your dog to sleep, but not if they eat upholstery or get the covers dirty with their drool.

Luckily there are some simple solutions to this common dilemma.

The easiest solution is probably a blanket. A solid color should attract your dog’s attention.

They will soon learn that if it’s on the couch, it usually means you aren’t, so they won’t be tempted to snatch at it when you aren’t looking.

This will help save your furniture from teeth marks and keep the cushions cleaner by limiting how much drool ends upon them!

Just make sure that while you are training them, you also place the blanket on the sofa while they’re around, so they know it is a blanket and not some tasty treat.

If your dog has already started making the couch their bed, try using water or a bitter spray to keep them off until they learn that it only happens when nothing is covering up the cushions.

It may take several times before they finally realize that something new is going on with that big inviting thing in the center of your living room.

However, keep at it because once your dog learns that there are rules for this new thing called “couch,” you have won!

Can dogs eat cushions?

The comforting part of the couch is that it seems soft and comfy, but it’s also a hard surface. Dogs may think that they’re getting the same kind of padding that you get from your bed!

It can be harmful to dogs to eat foam cushions or pillows because there are small pieces that can cause harm to their digestive system if swallowed.

They will often play around with them before settling down and taking a long nap.

If the smell is familiar to them, they won’t be as interested in the new texture and will leave the cushion alone after testing it out.

To Conclude: Are sofa beds good for dogs?

If you’re looking for a comfortable and durable place to sleep for your pup, sofas may not be the best option.

But don’t fret! There are plenty of other great options that we can help you find in our blog post “Best Dog Couches For Your Furry Friend.”

We hope this article was informative and helped answer some tough questions about dog sofa beds.

So, what do you think? Are sofa beds good for dogs? Do you have a specific sofa bed for your pup?

Let us know in the comments section below!

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