How To Get Rid Of Bad Dog Breath Fast? Simple Home Remedies

Dog in the park with a chew toy

Dogs are known as man’s best friends for a reason. They’re loyal, friendly, and always happy to see you. However, one downside to owning a dog is that they can often have bad breath. This can be a major turnoff and make it difficult for you to get close to your pet.

If your dog’s bad breath is becoming a problem, don’t worry – there are several things you can do to help address the issue. This article will discuss some of the most common causes of bad dog breath and provide tips on fixing it. We will also cover some of the best ways to prevent bad breath from happening in the first place. So read on for all the information you need!

What causes bad breath in dogs?

No one enjoys getting a whiff of bad dog breath, but unfortunately, it is a common problem among our furry friends. While there are several possible causes, the most likely culprit is plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth.

Just like in humans, these deposits can lead to gingivitis or gum inflammation. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontal disease, which results in tooth loss and damage to the bones and other structures that support the teeth. Gum disease is the most common dental problem in dogs and is often to blame for bad breath.

Other possible causes of bad dog breath include diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, and certain respiratory infections.

If your dog’s bad smell is accompanied by other symptoms like weight loss, excessive thirst or urination, vomiting, or diarrhea, it could be a sign of more serious underlying health problems.

In these cases, it’s best to consult your veterinarian for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

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How to Fix Bad Dog Breath?

Stinky dog breath can signify poor oral hygiene or an underlying health condition. If your dog’s breath smells foul, you can do a few things to help freshen it up.

Chew dog bone for bad breath
  • Brush your dog’s teeth regularly with a pet-safe toothpaste
  • Give your dog chew toys or treats that are specifically designed to help clean their teeth
  • Take your dog to the vet for regular checkups and dental cleanings

With some simple tweaks to your dog’s oral care routine, you can help freshen their breath and keep them happy and healthy.

How to Choose the Right Toothpaste for Your Dog?

When choosing the right dog toothpaste, there are a few things you need to consider. The first is your dog’s age. Puppies and senior dogs have different dental needs, so be sure to choose a toothpaste that is specifically designed for their life stage.

You’ll also want to consider your dog’s toothbrush size and the type of bristles.

For smaller breeds, you may need to purchase a kiddie toothbrush with softer bristles. Lastly, take into account the ingredients in the toothpaste. Many dog-specific kinds of toothpaste contain enzymes that help to break down plaque and tartar.

If you’re unsure about which toothpaste is right for your dog’s dental cleaning, ask your veterinarian for a recommendation.

What to feed dogs with bad breath?

A healthy dog’s diet prevents bad breath and maintains good oral health.

Avoid giving them table scraps, as these can actually contribute to bad breath. Instead, focus on giving them plenty of fresh, whole foods. You can also try adding some natural supplements to their diets, such as coconut oil or apple cider vinegar.

Incorporate tooth-healthy foods into their diet. This means avoiding foods that are high in sugar or starch, as these can contribute to plaque buildup. Instead, choose a balanced diet with lean proteins and crunchy fruits and vegetables; carrots, celery, and apple slices are all great options. These will help keep your dog’s teeth clean and breath fresh.

You should also make sure to give them plenty of dental chews, as this can help to massage their gums and reduce inflammation.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, make sure that your dog is getting enough exercise and hydration. Both of these things can help to improve their overall health – and their breath! – by keeping their bodies in balance. 

JasperArt Shih Tzu food bowl

How to get rid of stinky dog breath home remedies

Bad breath in dogs is a common problem that can be caused by a number of factors, including poor oral hygiene, dental diseases, or gastrointestinal problems. While there are a number of commercial products available to help freshen your dog’s breath, there are also some simple natural remedies that can be just as effective.

Here are a few things you can try:

Feed your dog a healthy diet.

One of the best ways to keep your dog’s mouth healthy and prevent bad breath is to feed them a nutritious diet. Make sure their food is high in protein and low in fat, and avoid feeding them table scraps. You should also give them plenty of chew toys to help keep their teeth clean.

Brush your dog’s teeth regularly.

Brushing your dog’s teeth on a daily basis is the best way to keep their mouth clean and prevent plaque buildup. You can use a soft-bristled toothbrush or a finger brush specifically designed for dogs. Be sure to use safe toothpaste for dogs, as regular human toothpaste can be harmful if swallowed.

Apple cider vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar is a natural antibacterial and can help to freshen your dog’s breath. Add a teaspoon to their water bowl each day or use it to brush their teeth.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil can help to reduce plaque and tartar buildup on your dog’s teeth. Simply rub it onto their teeth and gums using your finger or a soft cloth.


Parsley is a natural breath freshener that can also help to reduce plaque buildup on your dog’s teeth. Add a small amount to their food daily, chop it up, and rub it onto their teeth and gums.


Yogurt contains probiotics that can help to fight bad bacteria in your dog’s mouth. Give them a small amount of plain yogurt daily or add it to their food.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a natural cleaning agent that can help to remove plaque and tartar from your dog’s teeth. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with a little water and rub it onto their teeth using a soft toothbrush. Rinse their mouth well afterward.

These home remedies can help to freshen your dog’s breath and keep its mouth healthy. Talk to your veterinarian if you’re concerned about your dog’s bad breath. He or she can help to identify the underlying cause and recommend the best treatment option.

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How to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth Correctly?

Most pet parents know that they must brush their dog’s teeth regularly, but few know how to do it correctly. Brushing your dog’s teeth is not as simple as using human toothpaste and a toothbrush – there are special considerations that must be considered.

The first thing you need to do is choose the right toothpaste. Human toothpaste is not safe for dogs and can even be toxic, so be sure to purchase a specifically designed toothpaste.

Once you have the right toothpaste, you must choose the right toothbrush. Smaller breeds may do well with a finger brush, while larger breeds will need a standard canine toothbrush. When you are ready to brush, start by letting your dog lick some of the toothpaste off of the brush. This will help them get used to the taste and texture. Then, gently hold their muzzle and brush their teeth in circular motions.

Be sure to pay extra attention to the back molars, as these are more prone to tartar build-up. Finally, give your dog a treat and plenty of praise – this will help them associate teeth brushing with something positive. With a little patience and practice, you can easily learn how to brush your dog’s teeth correctly.


FAQs About Bad Dog Breath

Does Shih Tzu have bad breath?

As a Shih Tzu parent for 14 years, I know that their breath is not the best. I don’t think it’s any worse than other small breeds.

There are many reasons why your Shih Tzu might have bad breath. The most common reason is plaque and tartar buildup on their teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and gums. Tartar is plaque that has hardened on teeth and gums. When plaque and tartar buildup, it can cause gum disease, which leads to bad breath.

Other reasons for bad breath in Shih Tzus can include kidney disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, stomach issues, or liver problems.

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Bad breath in dogs is often caused by plaque and tartar buildup on their teeth. The best way to prevent bad breath is by brushing your dog’s teeth regularly with doggy toothpaste and a doggy toothbrush. You can also use dental chews, toys, and dog mouthwashes to help reduce plaque and tartar buildup and freshen your dog’s breath in between brushings. If you notice that your dog’s breath smells different or worse than usual, it is important to take them to the vet to rule out any serious health problems.

Bad breath in dogs is a common problem, but there are some simple home remedies that can help freshen their breath naturally. We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult your veterinarian.

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