How to Potty Train a Shih Tzu: The Ultimate Housebreaking Guide

Potty training a Shih Tzu 1

If you’re like most Shih Tzu parents, you want to make sure that you housetrain your dog as quickly and efficiently as possible. This guide will go over some easy steps that will help make potty training your Shih Tzu a breeze. We’ll also provide tips for dealing with common housebreaking challenges. So whether you’re a first-time pet parent or an experienced dog trainer, you’ll find everything you need to know on how to potty train a Shih Tzu right here!

Are Shih Tzus easy to potty train?

Many puppy parents ask whether Shih Tzus are easy to potty train. The answer is that it depends. Some Shih Tzus take to housetraining quickly and easily, while others require more patience and effort.

However, there are some things you can do to make the process easier for both you and your Shih Tzu puppy.

First, start with small steps – provide plenty of opportunities to go outside and give praises when they do their business in the appropriate spot. Choose a location outside, or if it’s indoors, use pee pads or even a dog litter box.

Secondly, be consistent – if you let your pup inside without going potty first, they’ll soon learn that they don’t have to go outside.

Finally, be patient – things will eventually click for your pup, and they’ll be house trained in no time!

How to potty train a Shih Tzu puppy?

Training dogs requires tenacity, repetition, and constant commitment. The job can be incredibly hard. If you use these tips, your Shih Tzu will develop potty training skills fast:

1- Give it a name.

When potty training your Shih Tzu puppy, decide on a name that describes the elimination process. For example, “go potty,” “go pee,” or “potty break.” You’ll make the training process easier by teaching your Shih Tzu pup that these words cue the elimination process.

Use the name frequently during the day so your pup knows it’s time to go. You can also use a clicker to help your dog associate the sound with the desired behavior.

2- Take him out first thing in the morning.

As soon as your Shih Tzu puppy wakes up in the morning, take him outside to do his business. This way, he’ll learn that the first thing he needs to do after waking up is to go potty.

Please make sure you take him to the same spot each time so he can start to associate that area with elimination. And be sure to praise him when he goes!

3- Stick to a schedule.

When it comes to potty training a Shih Tzu, one of the most crucial things for dog owners to remember is that they must be consistent.

Take your pup out at regular intervals throughout the day and stick to a schedule as much as possible.

If you know you’ll be gone for a while, take your young puppy out before you leave and return. And always take that little mutt out after he eats or drinks since these are times when he’s likely to need to go.

Shih Tzu puppies typically need to go every few hours, while adult dogs can usually hold it for longer. But every dog is different, so pay attention to your little guy and learn his cues.

4- Use a crate.

Crate training is an integral part of house training young puppies. A crate will give your Shih Tzu a safe space to stay when he’s not being supervised, and it can help prevent accidents in the house.

When you first start crate training, put your pup in the crate for a short time while you’re home. This will help it get used to the crate and feel comfortable inside. Then, you can start leaving it in the crate for more extended periods while you’re away from home.

Just make sure not to leave your pup in the crate for too long, or he may start to associate it with being isolated and could become anxious or stressed.

And always make sure the crate is big enough for your pup to stand up, turn around and lie down comfortably.

5- Remember always to give praises.

Give him lots of praise whenever your Shih Tzu puppy goes potty in the designated potty spot! This will reinforce the desired behavior and help him learn that he’s doing what you want.

You can use treats, toys, or verbal praise – whatever works best for your tiny Shih Tzu. Just make sure the rewards are given right after he goes so he knows why you’re praising him.

And don’t forget to clean up any accidents in the house immediately. If you leave the mess, your pup may be tempted to go in that spot again.

Enzyme-based cleaners are the best option for removing lingering smells and discouraging your pup from going in that spot again.

Tips for positive crate training.

1. Crate training your Shih Tzu can be a great way to potty train them and keep them out of trouble when you cannot supervise them.

2. Make sure your dog is comfortable in their crate before you start training them – put a soft blanket or crate bed and some toys in there for them to play with.

3. Start by putting your dog in the crate for short periods, gradually increasing the amount of time they spend inside.

4. Reward your dog when they go to the bathroom outside so that they know that’s what you want them to do.

5. If your dog starts whining or barking in the crate, don’t give in and let them out – wait until they stop making noise and then release them.

6. Be patient and consistent with crate training, and you’ll have a well-behaved dog in no time!

How do I stop my Shih Tzu from peeing in the house?

One of the most frustrating things about owning a Shih Tzu is dealing with accidents inside the house. While there are several possible reasons for this behavior, the good news is that you can also do many things to help stop it.

One of the first steps is to take your dog to the vet to rule out any medical causes. If your dog is healthy, you can start working on some behavioral training.

Try using positive reinforcement to reward your dog when they go outside for a potty break. You can also try crate training, which can help your dog learn to hold its bladder longer.

Young puppies will need to go more frequently, so take your dog outdoors often. A little excitement can cause an accident. Try to keep a calm environment in the house.

If you catch your dog in the act of peeing in the house, scold them firmly and then immediately take them outside.

Puppy pads

Using puppy pads can also be helpful, as they provide a designated spot for your dog to go. If you catch your dog in the act of peeing inside, make sure to clean up the area thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner to remove any odors.

I use puppy pads for my Shih Tzu in the winter since it gets incredibly chilly to go outside to potty(even though he’s fully potty trained).

With a bit of patience and persistence, you should be able to stop your Shih Tzu from peeing in the house.

How often should I take my Shih Tzu out to pee?

How often you take your Shih Tzu out to relieve themselves depends on some factors, including their age, weight, diet, and overall health.

For puppies, it’s essential to take them out frequently to learn to go to the appropriate spot.

Adult dogs’ general rule of thumb is to take them out at least once every four hours.

However, some dogs may need to go more often, especially if they eat a high-protein diet or have a medical condition that affects their bladder or kidneys.

If you’re unsure how often to take your dog out, consult with your veterinarian for guidance.

How do I train my Shih Tzu puppy to pee and poop outside?

Potty training a new puppy can be challenging, but it is vital to establish good habits, especially in outdoor training.

The first step is to choose an appropriate potty area. It should be a spot that is easy to reach and where your puppy will not be interrupted or distracted. You will also need to take your puppy out frequently for potty breaks.

A good rule of thumb is to take them out every two hours or after each meal or nap. When you reach your designated potty area, give a cue such as “go potty” or “do your business.” Once your puppy has relieved itself, be sure to provide lots of praise and rewards.

You will soon have a dog trained to pee and poop outside with patience and consistency.

Brain Training For Dogs

Brain Training for dogs
Brain Training For Dogs

From my experience with Shih Tzu, I know dogs can be a lot of work. You have to take them for walks, feed them, and clean up their messes. It’s even more complicated when they’re not well-behaved. 

A disobedient dog can be frustrating and embarrassing. It may bark and chew on things they’re not supposed to or refuse to come when called. Worst of all, they may get into trouble when you’re not around to stop them.

Brain Training for Dogs is the solution you’ve been looking for. This proven dog training program will teach you how to engage your dog’s intelligence, encouraging and empowering them to develop lovable, consistent behaviors that much quicker – meaning less stress for both of you!

The training sessions are short – only around 15 minutes each day – but they’re packed with valuable information that will help you build a stronger bond with your Shih Tzu while teaching them to respect your authority.

With Brain Training for Dogs, you’ll see results in just a few short days. Your dog will be happier and more obedient, and you’ll finally have the well-behaved furry friend you’ve always wanted.

Check out my detailed review of Brain Training for Dogs.

How to avoid the drawbacks of potty-training your Shih Tzu?

Shih Tzus are one of the most popular dogs globally, and it’s no surprise why. They’re loving, social creatures that make great Companions. However, they can be challenging to train and stubborn when potty training, especially an older Shih Tzu.

Here are three things to remember to avoid pitfalls when training your Shih Tzu:

1. Be Consistent: The key to any successful house training regime is consistency. If you want your Shih Tzu to learn that he should only go to the bathroom outside, you need to make sure that you take him out regularly.

2. Use a Crate: Crates can be a great tool for potty training Shih Tzus. They provide a designated space for your dog to sleep and relax, and they also help prevent accidents inside the house. When you first start using a crate, make sure that you introduce it slowly and let your Shih Tzu get used to it.

3. Be Patient: Potty training can be a long and frustrating process, but it’s important to remember that your Shih Tzu is not doing it on purpose. There will be accidents and setbacks, but you will eventually get there if you remain patient and consistent.

These three tips will help you avoid any potty-training pitfalls and set your Shih Tzu up for success.

FAQs about Shih Tzu training

Is it easier to train a male Shih Tzu or a female Shih Tzu?

When it comes to training Shih Tzus, there is no real difference between males and females. Both sexes are intelligent and capable of learning new tricks with the right amount of patience and positive reinforcement.

However, some owners find that male Shih Tzus can be more stubborn and headstrong than female counterparts. This may make training slightly more challenging, but it is by no means impossible.

At what age should you start training your Shih Tzu?

All dog owners want their furry friends to be well-behaved, but training takes time, patience, and consistency. So when is the best time to start? For Shih Tzu owners, the answer is around 4-6 months old. This is when puppies are most receptive to new information and are still in the potty training period.

However, dog behavior experts say it’s never too late to train a dog, even an adult Shih Tzu. You can still start working on simple commands like sit, stay and come. The most important thing is to be consistent with your training methods and praise your dog when he or she does something right.

In Conclusion

Potty training a Shih Tzu may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips and advice in this article, you can successfully train your Shih Tzu to go to the bathroom outside without any accidents.

Be consistent with your commands, use a crate if needed, and be patient. With time and effort, you’ll have your Shih Tzu potty trained.

Do you have any other tips or advice on how to potty train a Shih Tzu? Please share them with us in the comments below!

Happy training!

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