What Makes Shih Tzus Happy? 10 Fun and Simple Tips

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There’s a lot of debate about what makes Shih Tzus happy. Some people think it’s all about providing plenty of food and toys, while others believe spending time with your dog is the key to a happy life. As a Shih Tzu owner, you probably want to ensure your furry friend is as happy as possible. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 fun and easy tips to make your Shih Tzu happy!

Shih Tzu puppy bone flat
Happy Shih Tzu with a bone

While every dog is different, there are some things that all Shih Tzus seem to enjoy. For instance, most Shih Tzus love to be around people and often follow their owner from room to room.

They also enjoy being petted and scratched, especially behind the ears and the belly.

In addition, Shih Tzus typically enjoy playing with toys and going for walks.

Shih Tzus are usually happy dogs as long as they are with their favorite people and have some way to stay active.

The Importance of Making Your Shih Tzu Happy

Shih Tzus are one of the most popular breeds of dogs, and it’s easy to see why. They’re loyal, affectionate and full of personality. But like all dogs, Shih Tzus need love and attention to stay happy and healthy.

A bored or unhappy Shih Tzu can become anxious or destructive, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of opportunities to play and exercise.

Regular walks, interactive toys, and puppy play dates are great ways to keep your Shih Tzu happy.

And, of course, plenty of cuddles and belly rubs will go a long way towards making your furry friend feel loved. So if you want your Shih Tzu to be a happy camper, be sure to give them the attention they deserve.

Happy Shih Tzu running on the field
Shih Tzu happy running around

What makes Shih Tzus happy?

If you’re the proud owner of a Shih Tzu, then you know that these little dogs are full of personality. Here are ten easy tips to keep your Shih Tzu happy and healthy:

Give your Shih Tzu plenty of exercise

These active little dogs need at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. A good way to tire them out is to take them for a brisk walk or play fetch in the park.

Consider mixing up your daily walk routine walk and find a new route. The fresh smells, noises, and views will be exciting for your Shih Tzu.

Tip: Allow your Shih Tzu dog to smell everything during your stroll for a more enjoyable experience.

Feed them a high-quality diet

Another important way to care for a Shih Tzu is to feed them good quality food. Cheap dog food is often full of fillers and artificial ingredients that cause stomach problems and skin irritation.

In contrast, premium dog foods contain high-quality proteins and nutrients that help to keep Shih Tzus healthy and active. 

Whether you’re feeding him wet food or dry food, ensure it’s balanced and healthy for your dog’s daily diet.

Also, keep your Shih Tzu hydrated in hot weather by making sure they always have fresh, clean water to drink.

Long haired Shih Tzu
Groom your Shih Tzu regularly

Groom them regularly

Shih Tzus have long, flowing coats that can quickly become matted and tangled if they’re not brushed regularly.

In addition, their coat needs to be trimmed every few weeks to prevent it from getting too long. Like all long-haired dog breeds, grooming isn’t just about keeping your Shih Tzu looking good.

It’s also an important bonding experience for you and your pet.

So take the time to brush and trim your Shih Tzu’s coat, and you’ll both be happy!

Provide them with plenty of toys and playtime

Shih Tzu loves playing and can get bored easily if they don’t have enough to do. That’s why it’s important to provide them with plenty of toys and opportunities for playtime.

Regular walks and trips to the dog park are a great way to let them burn off some energy, and puzzle toys can help to keep their minds active.

It’s also important to create a safe space to play in your home, where they can’t get into trouble or injure themselves.

Keep their living environment clean and comfortable.

One of the best things you can do for your Shih Tzu is to keep their living environment clean and comfortable. This means regular grooming, including brushing their fur and trimming their nails.

It also means providing them with a comfortable dog bed and regularly cleaning their food and water dishes.

A clean and comfortable home will help your Shih Tzu to stay happy and healthy.

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Socialize your Shih Tzu with other dogs

Socialize them with other people and animals

Dogs not properly socialized can become anxious and stressed, leading to behavioral problems. Fortunately, socialization is relatively easy to do.

One way is to take your dog for regular walks around the neighborhood. This will allow them to meet and interact with other dogs and people.

Another option is to enroll them in a dog training class or doggie daycare.

These activities will help your Shih Tzu become more confident, well-rounded, and, as a result, happier.

Take them to the vet for regular check-ups.

Shih Tzus need proper care in order to stay healthy and happy. One of the most important things you can do for your Shih Tzu is to take them to the vet for regular check-ups.

During these visits, the vet will check for any health problems and ensure that your dog is up-to-date on their vaccinations.

In addition, the vet can offer advice on nutrition and exercise, which are two other important factors in keeping your Shih Tzu healthy and happy. 

Allow your pup to free-roam in the house.

One of the best things you can do to keep your Shih Tzu happy is to allow them to free roam in the house. This gives them a sense of freedom and independence and helps them expend some of their boundless energy.

Of course, you’ll need to puppy-proof your home first to ensure they can’t get into trouble. Once you’ve done that, simply let them have free reign of the place.

You might be surprised at how much happier they are when they’re not confined to a small space.

Be consistent with rules and training.

Shih Tzus are highly intelligent dogs who thrive on structure and routine. They’re likely to become frustrated and unhappy if you constantly change the rules or neglect to train your dog. Instead, establish a set of rules and stick to them.

Make sure everyone in the family is on the same page regarding things like bedtime, mealtimes, and walks. And take the time to train your dog regularly.

Give them lots of love and attention!

Shih Tzus love their owners and enjoy spending time with them. One of the best things you can do for your Shih Tzu is to give them lots of love and attention.

This means playing with them, cuddling with them, and simply spending time in their company. Dogs are social creatures, so they need human interaction to be happy.

Shih Tzus enjoy cuddles and snuggles on your lap or soft pillows. 

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How to Know if Your Shih Tzu is Happy?

One way to gauge your dog’s mood is by observing their body language. A relaxed posture with a soft and loose body indicates a feeling of contentment. If your dog’s body is tense or stiff, it may feel anxious or uncomfortable.

Another way to tell if your Shih Tzu is happy is by looking at its tail. A wagging tail usually signifies a happy Shih Tzu, while a tucked tail can indicate fear or insecurity.

Of course, every dog is different, so getting to know your pup’s individual quirks and behaviors is important.

With a little observation, you can tell when your Shih Tzu is happy, sad, or anything in between.

What does Shih Tzus enjoy?

Bred as a companion animal, the Shih Tzu is an affectionate, cheerful, outgoing house dog.

Shih Tzus are known for its upbeat dispositions. They are lively and sociable. Shih Tzu gets along well with people of all ages and other dogs and pets of various breeds. You’ll rarely encounter a snappish Shih Tzu, but they’re typically very sweet.

The Shih Tzu requires a lot of individual attention each day. They become spoiled very easily and enjoy human company. They love training and learning new skills, making them the center of attention.

Early socialization with children is recommended for Shih Tzu, but they like people of all ages.

What to do If Your Shih Tzu Is Unhappy

If your Shih Tzu is unhappy, you can do a few things to try and improve their mood.

First, make sure they are getting enough exercise. A tired dog is a happy dog, so take them on plenty of walks and runs.

Secondly, ensure they are eating a healthy diet. A nutritious diet will help keep them feeling their best.

Lastly, provide them with plenty of love and attention. Shih Tzus are social creatures, so spending quality time with them is essential to their happiness.

If you do all of these things, you should see a noticeable improvement in your Shih Tzu’s mood.

Do Shih Tzus like to be picked up?

If you ask any Shih Tzu owner whether their dog likes to be picked up, you’re likely to get a variety of different answers. Some dogs love the attention and eagerly jump into your arms, while others prefer staying on the ground.

Ultimately, it really depends on the individual dog’s personality.

Some Shih Tzus are happy-go-lucky and enjoy being handled, while others may be more independent and prefer to keep their feet on the ground.

If you’re unsure whether your Shih Tzu likes to be picked up, the best way to find out is to ask them. Many Shih Tzu owners find that their dog will give them a clue by wagging their tail or moving toward them when they extend their arms.

Final thoughts on how to keep your Shih Tzu happy

You can do a few things to ensure your Shih Tzu is always happy. First and foremost, give them plenty of love and attention. This means playing with them, cuddling with them, and simply spending time in their company.

Dogs are social creatures, so they need human interaction to be happy.

Shih Tzus also enjoy cuddles and snuggles on your lap or soft pillows. Secondly, make sure they are getting enough exercise. A tired dog is a happy dog, so take them on plenty of walks and runs.

Finally, ensure they are eating a healthy diet. A nutritious diet will help keep them feeling their best.

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