Where Should Dogs Sleep?

where should dogs sleep

Nearly half of America’s dogs sleep on their family’s beds rather than on their own dog bed. Most people will say that dogs are okay to share the bed with, but we urge you to read on and discover the pros and cons of doing so. While our pups are the most beloved and cherished pets, they can be pretty annoying – especially when they themselves don’t know (or act to not know) where to sleep.

One thing that pet owners often struggle with is knowing how to keep them comfortable enough to stay in their own beds instead of ours. The struggle appears at night when it comes time for bedtime, and continues for some pet parents the same way a bedtime routine would go for a newborn baby. Your dog (young or old) may not leave your side during the day because you’re his best friend – he definitely won’t hesitate to give you a little “discouragement” if he doesn’t like where you tell him to sleep.

Continue reading for reasons as to why bed-sharing with your dog is not a good idea, and read our research-backed reasons to help you decide as to whether or not you will allow it. You are the pet parent, and we do not judge whatever you choose here at Rested Tail. Please let us know any comments below as you read this.

Survey Reveals Common Dog Sleeping Behavior

A study was conducted and the American people were asked their opinion on where should dogs sleep. The survey concluded that American families were sharing their beds with their fur babies, or they were trying to break some bad sleeping habits with their pups.

The study was conducted by The American Pet Products Association (APPA). These guys are the trusted source for the pet product selling industry, which means they have access to a lot of data thanks to their pet-owning consumers. For that reason, we trust these studies to accurately depict dog sleeping behaviour in American homes.

Now, of those who admitted to sleeping with their pets, the APPA found that small dogs were the biggest culprit for bed-sharing.

Continue reading to find out why bed-sharing may or may not be beneficial.

My Personal Experience

When I got my little Shih Tzu Thunder, he was three months old. I didn’t know where he should sleep at night. At first, I got him a crate and put a few blankets in it, thinking he should be fine there. Boy, was I wrong!. He would whine and bark all night. Not knowing what to do, so we just let him sleep anywhere he wanted—big mistake. After consulting a few dog parents, we got him a dog bed. That was a significant relief. He was so happy with it. It took a while, but he got used to it eventually. We didn’t have Brain Training For Dogs back then; now we do. You should check it out; it makes your life with your pup much easier and simpler.

Pup Not Listening To You? It’s a matter of safety that they do.

You have tons of research available, and you could look up dog psychology, mammal behavior, mammal instincts, canine biology, and gynecology. Still, we’re offering you access to the training that will help.

Places Where Dogs Should Sleep

Dogs should sleep in their dog bed. They need a place to call their own and are happier and more well-behaved when they have a bed to relax in. If they have developed a nighttime routine that involves ending up in your bed anyway, you need to check out the brain training mentioned above. You are training a baby to sleep, no matter what age you start, and it will be complicated. That’s why you should join the Facebook group and connect with other pet owners who are also trying to sleep train their dogs. You can join our Facebook community by clicking here!

Why Is Bed Sharing Dangerous?

Some people suffer from allergies and asthma and could experience breathing issues while sleeping if they share their bed with their pet. But, often, those people choose to take anti-histamines and bed-share anyways. Since that’s not enough to discourage bed-sharing, we had to look deeper into why sharing a bed with your puppy is not healthy. According to The Humane Society, you can live with pets and asthma. There are just protocols that need to be in place for it to work well. You need to understand what you are allergic to by getting an allergy test done.

If an allergy test shows that you are allergic to your pet, it is crucial to understand what causes your allergic reaction to them. There are allergy-triggering proteins called allergens in saliva and skin glands that cling to an animal’s dry skin called dander, which also exists on their fur. The fur and dander come off your pet and then stick to the surfaces of your home, and it would stick to your bedsheets, and the pet dander would be more present in the bedroom at night.

Fleas, ticks, and mites can travel from your pet to your bed.


So, sure there are people who will say that you can share the bed no problem but have they thought about what happens when you take him/her out for a walk, and you come back and snuggle in the bed – but your little fur child has picked up a tick on their long fur – and now you have Lyme disease. While that’s an extreme example, it’s a common occurrence. According to The American Kennel Club, when a dog or person brushes against a bush, the tick quickly grabs and crawls to find a place to bite, called carrier ticks. We don’t want that happening to you or your family!

How to Stop Bed Bugs From Biting Pets?

Vacuum your pet’s bed often, wash the bedding and purchase a bed with a removable machine washable cover. At 140 degrees f is when the sanitization happens with the bedding. Ensure the bedding is completely dry before letting them sleep on it; moisture breeds more bacteria. Spot clean your pet’s bed often with a hand vacuum and empty the vacuum immediately after. Getting your pet up to date with shots and having them treated with something like Revolution will help keep bugs out of all your beds too. If you groom your dog regularly, keep everything of theirs tidy, and stay up to date with flea treatment and check-ups, all this will help maintain a cleaner bed.

But it would help if you still didn’t let your dog stay in your bed.

Where Should Dogs Sleep?

golden retriever sleeping in dog bed

They Should Sleep In Their Dog Bed

Dogs should sleep in their own dog bed. They need a place to call their own and are happier and more well-behaved when they have a bed to relax in.

Dogs Shed

Most dog breeds shed hair, which is normal and healthy. It’s important to keep their bodies clean by shedding off dead hair and replacing it with new hair. But there are few things more annoying than having a bed full of dog hair. Keeping it clean is difficult if your shedding dog is always sleeping on it.

It would be best to make them sleep in a dog bed or at least create another separate room so it’s easier to clean up after they shed, defecate or urinate.

Potty Training

This is especially true for puppies with limited skills and aren’t always good at potty training. While you may not think of your small pet as needing one, they can often benefit from the extra comfort and support that comes with resting on an elevated surface.

Make sure they have enough space to sleep comfortably. A dog’s bed should be big enough for the dog to stretch out and turn around comfortably.
Dogs are like children. They love to sleep and will find a way to do it, even if they have to share their bed with other dogs.

Dog Bed Size Matters

When deciding on a bed for your dog, size is one of the most important things to consider. So, what is the perfect size for your dog’s bed? A bed that is too small will be uncomfortable; it may trap heat and cause various health problems. You’ll also have more accidents in the house if he isn’t comfortable enough to go outside when nature calls! On the other hand, smaller breeds don’t feel as secure on a large bed.

If you have more than one dog and want them all on one bed, then make sure there is enough room for each of these sleeping beauties to lay down and turn around from time to time. Your dog should be able to stretch out its entire length.

They Can Sleep Inside Their Dog Crate

A crate can be a good place for your dog to sleep when he cannot be supervised by an adult.

A dog’s crate is his home, and as a bedroom, it should be kept clean at all times.

Dogs are den animals by nature, so they feel more secure when they have a place to retreat.

Crate training is a beneficial way to train your dog as it helps them adjust to new environments, teaches them good habits and manners, and makes housebreaking faster for you and your pup. It also keeps the dog safe while you’re away.

Dogs that are crate trained sleep longer and more soundly. The crate gives them a feeling of security. With a good dog bed for the crate and the proper crate training, your dog will love to rest, relax and sleep thru the night in the crate.

BONUS: Add More Dog Blankets

Dog blankets can help dogs feel more comfortable and secure when sleeping. But avoid using them as a cover because they can get tangled up in the dog’s legs and feet while it sleeps.

Of course, it’s tempting to bundle up an adorable doggy in warm bedding. After all, they look so cute when they sleep! Nevertheless, blankets can be dangerous for dogs as they risk suffocation and death if left underneath one too long or without any access to air.

Blankets are not as safe as you might think. Blankets can easily cover your pet’s head and block his or her ability to breathe.
Dogs love to cuddle with blankets. They also like the warmth and comfort that a blanket can provide them. A dog will sleep with their favorite blanket, carry it around the house, and even take one when they visit other places.

You should be aware of some disadvantages before letting your dog use a blanket; Dogs can be allergic to certain fabrics and materials that make them itchy, or they can chew holes in the blanket if bored and left alone with it for too long.

Check out my reviews and recommendations on the best dog crate covers.

Frequently Asked Questions

dog brain training

1) Do dogs like sleeping on the floor?

Putting their pups to sleep on the floor is a common practice for many dog owners. However, this can lead to all sorts of problems for your dog’s health and well-being!
Many people believe that dogs are more at ease sleeping on hard surfaces like concrete or tile as opposed to bedding.
The “floor” isn’t always the best place for your pup to sleep on; it can cause back pain while they’re growing and even arthritis when they get older. It also doesn’t provide enough support during nap time, resulting in muscle tightness or sore joints.

2) Should I leave the tv on for my puppy at night?

Suppose your dog hates being alone or suffers from separation anxiety; having the tv on at night or even when you’re not home help tremendously. Your puppy might not be binging on Netflix, but he or she will feel safer thinking there’s somebody around with all the noise.

It’s a good idea to teach your puppy that it is ok to be alone.

3) Do dogs prefer to sleep with the lights on?

There’s no straight answer. Dogs can sleep in the dark or with lights on. Every dog is different. In my experience with my dog, who is 11 yrs old now, I keep the night light on all night. He’s getting old, and his vision is diminishing. Also, he’s more afraid of outside noise at night than in the daytime.

His barking at night stopped when I started leaving the light on.

In Conclusion, Dogs Should Not Sleep In Their Owner’s Bed

“Dogs who sleep with their owners are exposed to more stress hormone and cortisol compared to dogs who sleep in another room.” – Dr. Stanley Coren, Psychology Today.

Many pet owners enjoy having their dogs sleep with them at night, but it can be harmful to both their health. Interrupted sleep can cause issues during the daytime with performance and energy levels. Your marriage may suffer, your allergies could begin, and you’ll have to clean your bed more often than you normally do. It’s in you and your pet’s best interest not to share a bed with you at night. Our definite answer to where should dogs sleep in their own dog bed, whether in a crate or on their own.

What do you think? Comment below or contact us here!

See also: How to Keep your dog off of your bed

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